Monday, November 19, 2012


Even though I try to be thankful 365 days a year it doesn't always happen. Life gets in the way, stressful events occur and I get thrown off track. I'm looking forward to a trip to Ohio and a few days to simply give thanks for all of the amazing people in my life. Ironic, perhaps, coming from a person who loves to fill homes with "things."

As I look back on all that has happened this year I am most thankful for the support and love that I've recieved. Publically showcasing my passion for well-made furniture and all things design has not only opened new doors of opportunity and friendship for me but it has also strengthened existing bonds in ways that I didn't expect. Next year is going to be an exciting time for me so if you are reading this post thank you. I've got some awesome things in store for 2013 and that new logo sitting at the top of the screen is only the beginning. Blog face-lift, here I come!  

Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:


Lauren, I love the logo... I'm so excited to see what's next! Enjoy your holiday!
